Sunday, June 10, 2007

hah. oh hey.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

jalapeno ferret

hi. i don't have to go to class anymore. i have a lot of papers to write.

also, ahem:

for the record, existential crisis concerning the previous post has been had. i am pulling myself back from the edge! i love it when i can take note of a change in myself exactly as it happens. yeeha.

blogs are weird.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's going to be an interesting year

Before I left home, my dad insisted that I read up on Congressman Ron Paul's weblog (thanks, Dad!). Paul, a Libertarian, is vying for presidential candidacy on the Republican ticket. Three months ago, after reading what he has to say--after hearing the way he thinks (logically! honestly! imagine!), I thought no way will he ever make real waves before he's silenced in some way or another. However, Congressman Paul is sure as hell proving me wrong. The Republicans are awfully uncomfortable with him hanging around, and it would be comical if it weren't so sickening what lengths the Fox news allegiance and co. will do to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate:

the entire debates are available here:,2933,272672,00.html

oh yeah and recent news says that members of the GOP actually want to ban Paul from further debates. I'll be honest, I don't agree with a lot of what he says (not so keen on his views about abortion), but at this point i think he's just the person to shake things up in the right way.

[disclaimer: i usually ignore politics so i apologise for any grave lapses of reason in terms of my supporting this guy.]

Just so long as I'm being all "hey go look at this", i've been poking around this site again after years of neglect:

it's weird... last week i wrote a paper arguing as a hard-liner materialist about human consciousness. i handed the paper in feeling that i had really made a good point against Merlin Donald's semi-dualistic view of the mind. talking about it with someone a few hours later, it hit me that, "oh. wait. that's not necessarily what i really think about the mind at all!" I'll explain: I don't know what's the truth about consciousness/minds/souls/spirits/freedom. no one does! and yet, science relentlessly scorns "spooky" or "paranormal" properties, just as religion and much of philosophy react in abject horror to the idea that materialism might mean we are utterly mortal and without free will. I don't profess to know who's right, but I think it is beyond shameful--ESPECIALLY for the so-called scientists (neurologists/cognitivists/psychologists/biologists/etc)--that ideas and opinions are smothered for fear of their upending the way the world has been thought of up to this point (god forbid they have to toss out their personal crusades and admit they are wrong!). I'm aware that for all neurobiology can say up to this point, that every belief i have and everything i choose are bound to causal events that my experience of consciousness cannot access--and therefore when i die, that's it. When that's proven, fine, but we don't have the tools. So basically, I'm revisiting this website with intent to write about the possiblity that physics can prove that human minds continue on from the physical realm after death. I've already been given "that look" by my teacher for suggesting i might be looking into arguing for dualism, and got something along the lines of "don't write about the paranormal". I've found out this semester that it's really contentious to make claims about our lack of free will; apparently, it's even more dangerous to go the other way. Sweet.

Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


oh no i have 2 hours to sleep before i have to get up and pack for tasmania. also i just ate two zucchini (no lemon involved). also i mostly give up on blogging, and i'll be back in a week maybe.

damn me. daaaaamn me!

here's an unrelated photo of a fennec fox:

Friday, April 13, 2007

One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, FEED DINGOES

The past week kind of goes way beyond what I could write about it here. I went to Fraser Island with 8 friends in a giant 4WD that we christened Roxanne. The quick rundown is this:

We traveled for hours by plane/bus/shuttle to get to the hostel that organizes and runs our trip to the island. We purchase alcohol from a bottle shop and play kings until we gradually fade off into bed. I sleep in a room with Sammy, and wake up feeling pretty much refreshed. We figure out our accomodation for the next night and then troupe towards the beach at Hervey Bay for a much needed breakfast stop. After pancakes or omlette or idle chatter, it's the beach for the day. We spend our time weathering blinding sunshine and cool squalls as the tide ebbs out, watching the rain fade in and out of the distance

Back at the hostel, we shower and head to a bottle shop, where we purchase a total of 11 casks of boxed wine for our upcoming 3 days camping on the Island. (aside: in oz, boxed wine is referred to exclusively as "goon") Our takeout chinese food takes an hour longer than we expect for delivery. We finish out the night with another resoundingly ridiculous game of kings, and turn in early in anticipation of our 6am wakeup. The morning finds us delerious and hungry with nothing to comfort us (especially not the goon we're about to carry around for three days). We get briefings, we get our vehicles, we get our equiptment, we get our food. We are off to board the ferry.

{{{{and now, since i'm sick of talking in the present tense, i'm switching it up.}}}}

Zach saved our lives pretty much via his skillz at the manual-shift 4wd. We travel to Fraser on a 45-minute ferry ride, and trundle off the barge onto the sandy roadways with newly depressed tires and hopes into the sky. I won't forget that first moment when we saw the paths leading into the island; it looked like someone had turned a small steep wooden themepark rollercoaster into something that was supposed to be a road. Thankfully, it proved to be amongst the more challenging parts of maneuvering (right up there with the beach washouts and really, really deep sand to get stuck in). That first day of travel was filled with-- us, seated 4 against 4 in the back of the station-wagon-like boot of Roxanne, yelling and laughing and wincing over the ridiculous terrain of the rough road and the ridiculous lack of suspension in Roxanne's chassis (I mean, we named her Roxanne for a reason). After an apprehensive and amusing hour, we found ourselves on the shores of Lake Mackenzie. I swear to god i can still taste how the water of the lake tasted, warm and rainy as I splashed and exalted in the endless blue filtered by black carbon and white silicon. As we left, we watched a perfect rainbow creep towards us across the lake up to the beach until we were soaked by a downpour.

The ride was pretty bumpy, and we were seriously packed in, with backpacks supplementally hanging down from the storage compartment flaps above and whacking us in the face. It didn't work to capture it wish flash...

(there we go. trial and error is key.)

After Mackenzie, we happened upon this absurdly steep path up a sand dune, and ran around on the top for a while. The view of the ocean from the highest part of the dune (essentially a mountain) was beautiful. The dune stretched on forever.

Our drive on that first day on the Island ended on the highway of 75 Mile Beach. I sat in the back of the back...and that was alright with me

Roxanne's headlights lit us up at the campsite while we cooked hot dogs, chicken dogs, and grilled cheeeeeez

and the beach at night, letting the allegedly very dangerous ocean hit our feet. after an hour of watching the clouds drift in like black sentinels beneath a glowing starry sky, there wasn't much that could spook us, really.

i woke up all achy in our pitch-black tent, damp and sandy and needing to pee. i had no idea that it wasn't even 6am yet, but once i saw the sky there was no way i was crawling back into the cavelike tent. those of you who have seen me in the morning will understand best how beautiful it must have been in order to keep me from sleep.

after everyone got up and drank naaasty instant coffee, we were driving again. we stopped to see the wreck of the ship Maheno, which has been sitting on the beach since it washed ashore in 1935. It was incredible-- juxtaposed against the shiny bright beach and sky, all guts and iron bones jutting defiantly from the silty sand.

this photo was an accident:

this next was taken from the top of an outcrop called Indian Head, a tall rock that is part of the reason that the island was able to form; volcanic rock outcrops caught sand drifting down from the northern coasts of Australia. over the course of about 1,000,000 years, parabolic dunes overlapped each other down and down to the south. This particular very narrow cliff that the following picture was taken from was dizzyingly high, dropping off sharply to crashing waves on either side

(maybe this will help to show how goddam beautiful/expansive this beach was)

(a video in which kangaroo meat is discussed, sammy imitates some girl, and rachael spills her wine (surprise surprise) )

Sunday, April 1, 2007

i give corinne credit...

...for posting a bunch of pictures on facebook and then MORE on blogger. or the other way around. anyway, here's this for you non-facebook types:

it's annoying cause the resolution is bad, but ah well.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Saints and Demons

I went to my first footy game... opening night, Melbourne Demons ( yeah D's!!) vs. St. Kilda Saints. And, I wore a dress, got to sit in fancy box seating, had an amazing time. Grazie mille agli Signori Donazzan!! ('spesh matthew!)

Melbournians worship their footy; the MCG is the largest stadium in the world:

and some more fotos:

(brand release party at Mofo: )

(surfing, saturday night, healesville animal sanctuary, pig-dog, killer graffiti)

(the black-breasted buzzard is one of two avian species known to have an innate releasing mechanism for tool use; "see emu egg + see rock = pick up rock in mouth and slam down on emu egg to break open" sweeeeeet.)

p.s. if you read my blog, give a shout. checking my blog and discovering comments is like interweb-communication-christmas!